Sustainable business books

Friday, May 26, 2006

Blog on to change your career

Margaret Stead, career coach and self-styled 'dream architect' has produced the first comprehensive guide to self-promotion by blogging. Blogs (weB LOGs) are the fastest-expanding feature of the Internet, easily out-pacing porn and gambling in their rate of growth. Margaret's book 'Blog on to a career change' describes how you can use blogs to build your profile and become widely known as an expert in your particular area.

In fact Margaret Stead guarantees that using the tools she describes in her book you are 'guaranteed' to 'enjoy the income you deserve'. And all for less than £100 ((US$185 or €145) and 'overnight'.

I have used Margaret's book to build this blog and its associated pages of news on energy and sustainability (see Links). So, has it worked? Well, I cannot say that I have followed all of Margaret's advice. Starting in December last year, I have not yet spent anything, but have only made $9 and haven't received that yet. I have not spent as much time on the blogs as I should have - little and often is the rule, whereas I tend to do big chunks when work and other commitments permit. It has been interesting and fun and, although I haven't received feedback that my standing as an expert has grown, I am sure the blog has done no harrm.

At £47 the e-book is not cheap, but Margaret convincingly argues that, by following her precepts, you can save many times that. She also offers free full access to her world number one careersnet career change and job search website with the book. And a one-year money-back guarantee. In fact, you should grab one before the price goes up!


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